
How to Build an AI Powered Sales Assistant on Scout, Part 3: Adding an AI Generated Sales Pitch

Complete your AI sales assistant by adding an AI-generated sales pitch! In part 3 of this guide, you'll learn how to configure Scout to gather prospect details, incorporate marketing material, and generate a tailored pitch. Follow this step-by-step tutorial to enhance your sales process with personalized insights and key talking points for client calls. Streamline your workflow and create high-impact pitches in minutes!

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Lets wrap up our AI Sales Assistant project by adding an AI-generated sales pitch tailored to the searched prospect. If you’re just jumping in, don’t worry — you can catch up on part one here and part two here.

To create an effective sales pitch, we’ll need to provide the LLM with more details about the prospect and information about our work. Understanding the prospect’s needs, along with presenting a clear value proposition are two main elements of a successful pitch. To do this we will add a few more blocks to our app to capture the necessary information.

First we’ll add another SERP block to find more information about the prospect. Make sure this block is positioned above the “Generate Summary” block. You can configure yours as pictured below.

Next we’ll add another block below “Generate Summary,” this will be a Collection block and will contain relevant marketing material, allowing the AI to generate a pitch with a clear value prop for the prospect.

Now I realize we haven’t gone over web scraping just yet, so for purposes of this demo, your marketing info, about us, and value props can be added to a word document and saved as a pdf. We’ll create a new collection “Marketing material” (you can revisit the post regarding collections here) where you can upload your pdf.

To finish configuring of this block we’ll add the following to the Query field:

How does Scout help: {{about.output}}

In order to generate our pitch, we’ll add an LLM block bellow the collection block we just added. This is where we will pass in the information and set the prompt. You can configure yours with the prompt and settings pictured below.

Info about {{inputs.input}}: ``` {{summary.output}} {{about.output}}```
Info about Scout: ```{{scout_marketing_material.output}}```

You are an expert marketing and sales assistant for Scout, who is tasked with preparing notes for the sales team to use on a first call with the client {{inputs.input}}. Create a brief, easy to digest document that can read in a minute that highlights the talking points the sales team should use to land the deal. Format the document so its easy to read and skim through.
Be sure if you’re copying the prompts that your slugs match the slug names of YOUR blocks!

Lastly, we’ll make one small edit to the last “Save” block and we should be good to go. To make sure the assistants response is saved we need to add the output of the new “Generate Pitch” block to the “text” field of the save block. Below is an example of how your text value field should look.

{{summary.output}} \n \n Pitch: {{marketing_pitch.output}}

With your updated save parameters you will now have a file for each prospect you search along with the key talking points.

By streamlining the process and providing valuable insights, this assistant promises to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in prospecting and sales efforts. Feel free to customize this and tailor it to your specific needs!

Let us know what use case we should highlight next! Have a specific idea you want us to explore? Leave a comment below to let us know.

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