
How to Build an AI Powered Sales Assistant on Scout, Part 2: Saving to a Collection

Learn how to save your AI-powered sales assistant's output to a collection in Scout! This step-by-step guide shows how to streamline prospect tracking by storing search results, creating collections, and formatting saved data for easy access. Enhance your workflow and make sales calls more efficient by keeping all prospect details in one place. Stay tuned for the next part where we’ll cover generating a personalized sales pitch from your assistant.

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Today we’ll look at how to save App outputs to a collection. This will be a continuation of the prospecting and sales app we made last week, if you haven’t read that you can find that here. With the capability to save outputs to a collection, the sales team gains the advantage of having all prospects conveniently stored in one location, streamlining your workflow.

To start, lets create a new collection to store the output data. Opening the collections tabs from the left hand menu will bring you to the collections page. The “New Collection” button at the top right will bring up a window where you can assign a name to your new collection.

Now that we have created our collection, let’s return to our app dashboard to add the necessary blocks. To save an output to a collection, we’ll select the “Save” block.

Ensure that this block is positioned below the “Generate Summary” block in the workflow.

To configure the save block, we’ll first ensure the name and slug are appropriate. I always like to ensure the block’s name is descriptive, and prefer the slug to be short and simple, as we may use them elsewhere. Once we’ve named our new block, we’ll select the new collection we just created from the collection dropdown menu. Lastly, we’ll format how we want the response to be saved in the collection. To format the save, we’ll add a few values; this can be done with the “+” located towards the bottom of the save side panel.

You can now proceed with configuring how the output is saved. Another way to look at this is to think of this as how we want to format the “document” we’re saving. Use “Column” to add a descriptive title. Next under “Value,” we will input the slugs for the respective blocks of data we wish to save for this field. For example, the value input for the title will be the name of the company being searched; for that, we’ll use {{inputs.input}}. We’ll do the same for the company name, which is the input of the search, again this will be {{inputs.input}}. Now for the text field we want the output of the summary block, which will include all relevant information on the prospect, so for this we’ll use {{summary.output}} for the value field.

Once fully configured, your save block should look something like this. You’ll notice an added value here, “id,” this is helpful when running a prospect search multiple times, this field will rewrite the prospects document that was saved in the collection without creating a new document every time the company is searched.

We can now go check our collection where the App responses will be saved for future reference.

If you wish, the saved file can be edited in the collection if you would like to add any changes or notes.

Now that you know how save App runs to a collection you can begin compiling a comprehensive list of potential prospects.

Keep an eye out for what’s next. By adding the capability to generate a pitch for your initial call, this sales assistant will evolve into an indispensable tool!

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